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About Power Chips plc

The science that underlies Power Chips™ has been known for decades. But such devices could not be built, because they require two electrodes separated by only a few nanometers, or billionths of a meter, and manufacturing technologies could not yet build such small devices. By about 1995, the semiconductor industry had developed the technologies needed to mass-produce chips, like those used in computers and cellphones, at the required nanoscales.

Jonathan Edelson, a Principal Scientist of our parent company, Borealis Technical Limited, realized that chips technology had advanced sufficiently to make building Power Chips possible, and Borealis began a research program to develop them (along with their sister technology, Cool Chips, which produce cooling and refrigeration using the same scientific principles). By 1997 it was clear that Power Chips could work, and Borealis established a separate company that became Power Chips plc to focus on developing the technology for all power generation applications. Since then, most of the research and development work on Power Chips has been conducted by a team led by Avtandil Tavkhelidze, another Principal Scientist of Borealis. Development work is now being conducted at several laboratories worldwide.

Power Chips plc is incorporated in Gibraltar and owns the rights to use the technology for all power generation purposes. The company expects to licence other companies in many fields to use Power Chips for a multitude of applications. Its shares are publicly traded, on the United States over-the-counter market (symbol: PWCHF). The majority shareholder of Power Chips plc is Borealis Exploration Limited (US OTC: BOREF).

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Forward-Looking Statement may be found at http://www.powerchips.gi/fwdlook.shtml